• +62 21 351 4348
  • sekretariat@dppinsa.com


DNV GL Classes World’s Largest Semi-Submersible

  • 11 Aug 2016
  • 1545
  • INSA

DNV GL has welcomed the world’s largest semi-submersible drilling rig into class recently. Ocean Greatwhite is 123 metres long and 78 metres wide and was delivered at Hyundai Heavy Industries in Ulsan, South Korea. Owned by the Houston-based drilling cont

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Four Containers Recovered From The Singapore Strait After Collision

  • 11 Aug 2016
  • 1336
  • INSA

During the incident involving Dream II VLCC and MSC Alexandra (Container Ship) on 3rd August, 10 empty containers fell overboard. Of these, five fell overboard onto the deck of Dream II VLCC and another five fell into the sea.

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Gunung: Sungai Kapuas Dikeruk Hingga Desember 2016

  • 09 Aug 2016
  • 1130
  • INSA

PONTIANAK (BeritaTrans.com) – Kepala KSOP Pontianak, Gunung Hutapea mengatakan proses pengerukan alur sungai Kapuas masih berlangsung sampai saat ini.

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Indonesia Tunggu Filipina dan Malaysia untuk Operasi Militer Bersama di Darat

  • 09 Aug 2016
  • 1278
  • INSA

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Pada pertemuan trilateral antara Indonesia, Filipina, dan Malaysia di Bali, Selasa (2/8/2016) lalu, tiga negara telah sepakat menggelar patroli maritim bersama di kawasan perbatasan.

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Kemenhub Akan Tambah Jumlah Mercusuar di Seluruh Indonesia

  • 09 Aug 2016
  • 1340
  • INSA

SEMARANG, KOMPAS.com - Kementerian Perhubungan akan menambah jumlah mercusuar di seluruh Indonesia sebagai upaya mendukung keselamatan pelayaran.

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