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  • sekretariat@dppinsa.com


Kemenhan Tetapkan Tiga Jalur Aman untuk Pelayaran Kapal ke Filipina

  • 20 Jul 2016
  • 1181
  • INSA

AKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Menteri Pertahanan RI Ryamizard Ryacudu mengatakan bahwa saat ini Kementerian Pertahanan telah menetapkan rute alternatif perjalanan kapal pengangkut batubara yang akan berlayar ke Filipina.

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India’s First Female Captain Becomes First Female To Receive IMO Award For Exceptional Bravery At Sea

  • 20 Jul 2016
  • 1067
  • INSA

Captain Radhika Menon, Master of the oil products tanker Sampurna Swarajya, is to receive the 2016 IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea for her role in the dramatic rescue of seven fishermen from a sinking fishing boat in tumultuous seas.

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Program Pembangunan Poros Maritim RI Diminati Asing

  • 20 Jul 2016
  • 1266
  • INSA

Jakarta -Sidang International Maritime Organisation Council (IMO) ke 116 telah dilaksanakan di markas besar International Maritine Organization (IMO) pada 4-8 Juli 2016 di Kantor Pusat IMO London. Sidang IMO Council tersebut dipimpin oleh Sekretaris Jende

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World Maritime Day Theme For 2017: “Connecting Ships, Ports And People”

  • 19 Jul 2016
  • 1162
  • INSA

“Connecting Ships, Ports and People” has been selected as the World Maritime Day theme for 2017 following a proposal by Secretary-General Kitack Lim to the IMO Council.

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Shipowners Reject Proposals For Ships To Pay For EU Ship Recycling Licences

  • 19 Jul 2016
  • 1074
  • INSA

Proposals to compel ships, regardless of flag, to pay for European Union ship recycling licences when calling at EU ports, will undermine efforts by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to improve working and environmental conditions in developin

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