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Piracy & Ballast Water Management was Discussed at the FASA ECM in Bangkok

Piracy & Ballast Water Management was Discussed at the FASA ECM in Bangkok

JAKARTA - Indonesia National  Shipowners Association (INSA) attended  the 53rd FASA (Federation of ASEAN  Shipowners' Association) Executive  Committee Meeting in Bangkok,  Thailand.

The meeting was attended by shipping  associations of ASEAN countries namely  Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand as the  host, Vietnam and Philippines.

From INSA attended Chairman of INSA  Johnson W. Sutjipto and Deputy  Chairman Djoni Sutji. "It is important for  INSA to be present at international  forums such as FASA to discuss the  development of the latest issues related  to the shipping industry," Johnson said.

He explained at this meeting, a number  of issues will be discussed, namely the  development of Piracy & Armed Robbery  Status Updates – Asia Region, Piracy &  Armed Robbery Status Updates –  Worldwide, 73rd Session of The IMO  Marine Environment and Protection  Committee (MEPC 73) and Ballast Water  Management Convention Same Risks  Area (SRA).


IBM has released its report on Piracy  against ships for the period January to  June 2018.

In the report, it was noted that:

  • A total of 107 incidents were  reported in the first six months of  2018—69 vessels were boarded,  with 23 attempted attacks, 11  vessels fired upon and 4 vessels  hijacked.
  • No vessels were hijacked in the  second quarter
  • The number of crew kidnappings  decreased from 41 in the second  quarter of 2017 to 25 during the  same period in 2018. However, all  25 crew kidnappings occurred in the  Gulf of Guinea.

There are also increasing number of  attacks happening in Yemen. The  Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) and  EUNAVFOR assessed that incidents are  highly likely related to the ongoing  conflict in Yemen and the targeting of  merchant shipping from nations  supporting the Saudi

Led Coalition (SLC). Given the location of  the incidents, there continues to be a risk of collateral damage of misidentification to  all merchant traffic including those not  flagged to SLC states. The requirement for  vigilance when transiting this area,  together with the timely reporting of all  suspicious incident, remains crucial.

Companies, ships and seafarers are urged  to follow the guidance in BMP5, the Global  Counter Piracy Guidance for Companies,  Masters and Seafarers and the Guidance  on Maritime Security in the Southern Red  Sea and Bab al-Mandeb, and to utilize the  MSTC whilst remaining as far from the  Yemen coast as navigationally safe.


ReCAAP has released its report on Piracy  against ships in Asia for January to  September 2018. In the report, it was  noted that:

  • There are 64 incidents reported in  January to September 2018 – of  which, 50 are actual incidents and 14  were attempted incidents. This is a  3% increase as compared to the  same period in 2017.
  • 49 are incidents onboard ships at  anchor/berth while 15 incidents were  for ships underway.
  • Majority were CAT 4 incidents (petty  theft)
  • CAT 1, CAT 2 and CAT 3 incidents  were among the lowest during the 10  year period of January-September of  2014-2018.

Abduction of Crew for Ransom in Sulu-  Celebes Sea.

Despite a decrease of incidents, the  threat remains as demonstrated by latest  incident on 11 September 2018 where  two Indonesian crew were abducted from  finishing boat Sri Dewi 1.

Status of Abducted Crew (as of 30  September 2018)

A total of 63 crew had been abducted and  as of 30 September 2018, 48 have been  released/rescued, 8 are still in captivity  and 7 killed.


Members may recall that the Committee  has consistently called for the creation of  a SRA within ASEAN waters that will  exempt vessels engaged solely in Intra –  ASEAN trades from the international  Convention for the Control and  Management of Ships’ Ballast Water &  Sediments (BWM Convention), since  ASEAN states are likely to share similar  or identical ecosystems.

At the last ASEAN Maritime Transport  Working Group (AMTWG) held in August  2018, the Maritime and Port Authority of  Singapore (MPA) had provided an update  to the AMTWG on the SRA Desktop  Study. (*)


  • By admin
  • 19 Dec 2018
  • 1308
  • INSA